Smokeping 发送告警邮件

smokeping 默认用sendmail发邮件,这样不好。 改了一下源码 这样可以使用 我QQ的smtp server来发告警邮件了 首先需要安装 Authen::SASL 模块(auth 需要用的) 我用CPAN装的,不细说了 修改 smokeping/lib/ [perl] #头上加 use Authen::SASL; #定位到sendmail函数,改成下面这样 sub sendmail ($$$){ my $from = shift; my $to = shift; $to = $1 if $to =~ /<(.?)>/; my $body = shift; if ($cfg->{General}{mailhost} and my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new([split /\s,\s*/, $cfg->{General}{mailhost}],Timeout=>5) ){ $smtp->auth(split(/\s*,\s*/, $cfg->{General}{mailusr}),split(/\s*,\s*/, $cfg->{General}{mailpwd})); $smtp->mail($from); $smtp->to(split(/\s*,\s*/, $to)); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend($body); $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit; } elsif ($cfg->{General}{sendmail} or -x “/usr/lib/sendmail”){ open (M, “|-”) || exec (($cfg->{General}{sendmail} || “/usr/lib/sendmail”),“-f”,$from,$to); print M $body; close M; } else { warn “ERROR: not sending mail to $to, as all methodes failed\n”; } } #找到  ‘_vars =>’ ,把 mailusr mailpwd  加进去。不然不能启动哦!General configuration values valid for the whole SmokePing setup. DOC _vars => [ qw(owner imgcache imgurl datadir dyndir pagedir piddir sendmail offset smokemail cgiurl mailhost mailusr mailpwd snpphost contact display_name syslogfacility syslogpriority concurrentprobes changeprocessnames tmail changecgiprogramname linkstyle precreateperms ) ], [/perl] 然后修改配置文件 /etc/config [perl] mailhost = mailusr = [email protected] mailpwd = xxxxxxxxx [/perl]